Saturday, May 12, 2007

Why, Square, why?!

I was chatting with a friend of mine in IRC today, or rather, was chatting with another friend, when a link from Joystiq caught my eye. This link, posted by the aforementioned first friend, had "Parasite Eve" in the name. Time stopped. All was silent. My heart skipped a beat. Was it? Could it really be? Sweet, sweet Aya coming back once again after so many years?, it is not to be. All hope of Square actually focusing on a property other than Final Fantasy are tossed by the wayside. Those tech-savvy among you will recognize the name under "WIP" on the image, and realize what I'm getting at. Yes...Parasite Eve 3 is a cell phone game...

I cannot even begin to grasp why Square would do this to such a stellar title, other than that they really, truly don't care about anything but precious Final Fantasy any longer. I'm as big a FF fan as they come, but this is unforgivable.

Not only will being on a cellphone totally ruin the game, but this completely screws any chance of the US ever seeing it released. Way to go, Square. I could forgive FFI and II being released yet again. I could forgive the ruination of Brave Fencer Musashi. But this? I just don't know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The gun's going for her mouth because Aya found out she isn't worth being on a PS3 or 360.

Or a PS2.