So everyone knows by now that Sony is keeping retailers from getting their hands on the 20GB PS3 model. As it turns out now, they're even being pulled from Sony's own online store on top of that. Why? Hell if I know. Some people like to claim there is speculation that this is because of an impending price drop. I highly doubt it. With how long it took Sony to drop price on the PSP, there's no way they would drop the PS3's so soon. Then again, the PSP wasn't a total failure against its competitors, so the playing field isn't exactly the same.
Seriously though, this is such an asinine move, I can't fathom why they'd do it at all. There has to be hundreds, if not thousands of 20GB models still on warehouse shelves, why aren't they getting sold? Even if they marked them down to the price of a Wii (Yeah right!), they'd still make more than if they just let them sit there and rot. Unless, that is, they're scrapping them all for parts in the 60GB models.
Even so, are so few people really buying the 20GB model that this cancellation is needed? I'm beginning to think Sony made so few 20GB models to begin with just so they could claim they're selling so much lower than the 60GB version. Me, I'd much rather take the 20GB version. I don't need all these HD bells and whistles, memory card readers, HDM-whatever ports, and so on. Some of us are still using SD TVs, Sony, strange as it may be. We're not all sheep, dropping several grand on your fancy Hi-Def flatscreens.