So over at Joystiq they have a story from Game Stooge, in which they (The stooges, not Joystiq!) make the absolutely ludicrous claim that Guitar Hero is illegal. Their reasoning appears to be that because the game does not give you its entire content in one fell swoop, then it is false advertising. In this respect, that would presumably make just about every game ever made illegal, since nary a one actually gives you everything unlockable all at once.
Now, I'm not familiar with Game Stooge in the least, in fact until now I don't think I've even heard of them. Judging by the name, though, you'd think they're at least a site involved with, naturally, video games. Explain to me why then, they would even try to claim a game should unlock everything from the start! The very lasting value of a game is based--often enough--on how much unlockable content it might have!
This really has to be one of the dumbest suggestions I've ever heard in the almost twenty years I've been a gamer. The idiot over at Game Stooge (yes, I could be a little nicer, but the incredible stupidity kind of tosses that out the window) even goes on to compare the practice of unlockable content to such things as being forced to watch TV stations to gain other channels, DVDs requiring a quota of various companies' discs being watched, and so on.
Quite honestly I can't believe this "jonahfalcon" has ever played a game in his life. Either that or he's the type of person that downloads the latest game save as soon as he gets a new disc just so he doesn't have to work for anything. As much as I hate to use this phrase, I don't think it could possibly fit the moment any better: QQ more, jonahfalcon.
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Well said.
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