Kotaku has a rather depressing post up featuring a mass of sticky notes from the ever-so-hot Square Enix party. Attendees were invited to post up what remake they'd most like to see and then stick the notes up on the board.
Now, of course, proving that even Japan has its share of totally tasteless fanbrats, the response was apparently overwhelming in favor of seeing--what else--Final Fantasy VII yet again. Granted, we're already supposed to have ten more years of Cloud and friends, but seriously...
Like I said earlier, I'm as big a Square fan as they come, but FFVII is the one game in the main continuity I'd be more than glad to have struck from the record. I can't understand why anyone likes this game, to be perfectly honest. And yet time and time again, it's hailed as "OMG THE BEST THING EVAR."
Let it go, people. It's hard enough getting Square to work on a different IP without you drooling all over the hawt emo bois every two seconds.