Right, well, here I am. And here we are. The start of yet another blogging endeavor by yours truly. I've had a few less-than-serious blogs in the past, but I believe I'm going to try and keep this one as "serious" as possible. Of course by serious I mean incredibly relaxed, but I digress.
Why am I starting this? Well, mainly because I want to write. I love to write, and anyone that's known me for more than ten minutes will probably tell you the same thing. They'll also tell you I'm incredibly stubborn and opinionated, and if that doesn't say "HEY, WRITE A BLOG," well, I don't know what does.
This blog, though, I owe mainly to the suggestion of Ishaan over at
Flame War Advance, who I've been working with over at
Japanator for a short while now. I've wanted to write about games for awhile, and I realized that there's nothing really stopping me from doing so myself, even if I do write at two other sites at the same time. So, with that said, here I am, and here I will be for hopefully some time. Time long enough to spruce things up past this default layout, especially.
Why "The New Season," anyway? Well, it's a short, but irritating story. I spent ages trying to come up with just the right name for this site, and everything I thought of was taken. From Guilty Gear references to Lunar references to anything else, all taken and not even posted in since 2002. Oh yes, I was pissed. But, eventually, like all good ideas, this one hit me out of nowhere as I finished watching tonight's episode of the new anime
Heroic Age.
The Spring season--be it games or anime--has always been a high point in regards to its respective medium. Great RPGs always come out around Spring, great new anime often air...so I thought, why not carry that idea over to the title of my site. So, quite obviously, I did! Now that it's all set up, I'll be covering just about everything game and anime related I can think of, be it news, my own personal opinions on my gaming and anime-watching life, and so on.
Hopefully people will pick this up along the way at some point, but if they don't, that's okay too. Me and my newfound obsession with Shakugan no Shana up there will be just fine!